AI deepfakes have caused significant losses, notably fake kidnappings and even a $25 million scam, by impersonating individuals via text, email, voice and video. To combat this, SafeTies introduces rotating safe words, similar to Google Authenticator, to secure conversations against AI spoofing scams.
SafeTies enhances the security of your personal and professional conversations by introducing a second layer of verification. This means, alongside recognizing voice, video and text chats, you'll also confirm identities through a dynamically generated safe word, accessible via the SafeTies app on your phone.
Download SafeTies for Android Download SafeTies for iOSSafeTies is for anyone who wants to ensure that the person they're talking to is who they say they are. It can also help secure financial transactions. This includes:
SafeTies enhances the security of your personal and professional conversations by introducing a second layer of verification. This means, alongside recognizing voice, video and text chats, you'll also confirm identities through a dynamically generated safe word, accessible via the SafeTies app on your phone.